Who are you?
Hi, my name is Laurent PRIBAT. I’m from a small village in Basque-Country (south of France).
Where and how do you live?
Huuuum that’s a good question. Normally I live in my village (in Basque Country, French Pyrenées) or near when I’m not traveling. Right now I’m living in an estancia (ranch) in the south of Buenos-Aires, Argentina. I work with cows as a “gaucho” or do construction work at the ranch.
How strict are the regulations due to Corona where you are at?
The virus is coming here too, it’s not too bad at the moment. But all transits (bus, plane etc.) are locked. We use masks and hydroalcohlic gel when we go to buy some food in the village. The country is in quarantine like Europe. Here we produce milk and all it’s going well at the moment. We’ll see what’ happens in the next days. We put some preventions in the estancia (ranch), we can’t share mate (typical Argentinian drink like tea), and we need a paper authorization to move around, go to work or buy the necessary. Corona affected my fly back on 22th of March. I decided to work here, make some money and buy a new flight home later, maybe in June. We’ll see.
How does Corona affect your daily life? How do your organize your days (in isolation/ quarantine)?
A typical day for me is: tai chi, meditation, yoga, working on horseback or work in construction. I eat, have a short nap, work, eat, read, play guitar, sleep and see you tomorrow! Sometimes it’s less work but it depends.
What do you miss the most?
I miss my family and friends, French food but I'm still traveling! I’m more useful here and pretty free, we have 2000 hectares to “enjoy”...
What are you afraid of during these times?
I’m not afraid! I’m just disappointed by the people who don’t respect anything and let hospital staff and many others work in bad conditions!
Any positive effects you see in the Corona crisis so far?
There’s many positive things, the earth is taking a good rest, some people become aware that we have to change our ways of life, some take the time to take care of themselves, to cook, to enjoy, to be in good shape. The simple things of life become great and good to enjoy, we’ll be even happier to meet up again and have a big hug later.
What are you looking forward to after Corona? What's your biggest wish?
After corona I don’t know, I wish we’ll change our way of consumption. For me the virus doesn’t change a lot except my flight back home but I found a solution for that. I've already changed my life 6 years ago, now I’m living day by day, work and move but also thinking of tomorrow and the impact of my actions. I’m trying to use the plane as less as possible and when I move in the country I do hitchhiking or use bikes or busses. I try to be the most consistent as I can. But that's a life-task. I want to congratulate all the people who are working hard to get out of this pandemic. It will arouse a big change, we have to make it something different.
Thanks, merci and gracias, Laurent!! Stay safe and get home safely. Ride on, gaucho!
Kommentar schreiben
Lina (Donnerstag, 09 Juli 2020 19:04)
Hallo Janine, spannender Beitrag, danke! Argentina sieht wie ein echter Traum aus. Sehr malerische Landschaften und unglaubliche Bilder!
Ich lade dich ein, einen Blog zu besuchen, für den ich Artikel schreibe. https://fixthephoto.com/blog/ Auf deine Kommentare würde ich mich sehr freuen. LG Lina